
Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!!

Hi friends! I hope you are all having a great week! I just got back from California yesterday and I am already missing all the friends and family there!  I apologize for my absence, I lost my job and have been on the hunt for a new one, been to California for over a week, and lots of other things. I have been art journaling and doing other crafty things as well.  I have a lot planned for the rest of the month as well as March, I want to change up the blog, start an e-course and start a mailing list and start doing weekly U-Streams as well.  I started the sketchbook challenge and have been doodling and drawing more than usual. I love it, it calms me down and I keep my pad of paper and all of my pens and pencils in my purse at all times, so that when the creative bug bites I can sketch!
So a few weekends ago Samantha came over and we spent the entire day experimenting with new and different things in my backyard. We made marble paper, we both worked on our journals and she worked on a huge piece of paper inspired by Traci Bautista and her new book. We definitely feed off of each other and I love having a friend “who gets it”.
I am super excited for tomorrow night I am going to do a UStream so please tune in! My UStream user name is adventuresinaj so be on the look out tomorrow!
Here are miscellaneous photos from around the studio as well as my week in photos!


These bows are so fun! I am selling some so if you are interested please email me!

My week in photos

Well I hope you all have a great Friday night and I will be back tomorrow with a UStream and a new blog post!


  1. Welcome back!
    Gorgeous photos and imagery...lovely colors!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

    p.s. I am your newest blog follower! :)

    1. Thank you so much for following my blog! I hope you have a great PPF!

  2. come join me in a saturday night Ustream!

  3. thanks Debbie! I LOVE color and playing with it and mixing and such, I just love the fun of it all!

    Thanks Dani! I recently started doodling with pens and markers and figured why not doodle with paint to? It's taking my work into a whole new direction, and I love it!

  4. Your love of color really shows in all your art. I think you are pretty lucky to have a local friend who can come over for some artsy play time, you two must have a blast.

  5. Hi Rebecca; Glad you are back!! Love your doodles and you take very good pictures by the way. Blessings Terri www.morningdewdrops.

  6. Hi and welcome back to PPF. It is nice to meet you and to see your art.

  7. Adventursina....a very lovely name , sounds like fun; I'll have to check it out. Hope you don't miss the folks back home too much and continue creating.It's always nice to share things you love with family and friends. Lovely photographs and art work.Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks ladies for the wonderful comments!
